When Elizabeth and Justin first walked into CrossFit CTRL I’ll be honest, I was a little intimidated.

Her and Justin, another one of our Founders Club members, stop by on a Friday after we had just opened. I don’t think we even had a group class schedule yet.

But after a two hour conversation with the three of us discussing our love for the sport and why we started, we decided to do a WOD together that night.

We did Barbara: 5 rounds of 20 pull-ups, 30 push-ups, 40 sit-ups and 50 air squats, with 3 minutes rest at the end of each round.

Elizabeth and Justin crushed me, but i was excited to have these two as members that could really push me.

Elizabeth started CrossFit in 2009. She was looking for a workout routine that would fill her need for fitness and competitions since her time with team sports had ended.
She obtained her Level 1 in 2012 and Level 2 in 2017.

As an 11 year veteran of the sport, Elizabeth is still working on improving her physical strength and endurance.

When asked what her first impression of CrossFit was Elizabeth said “instant love at first sight. I love the community, the social activities, the competition, the accountability, and the support. Nothing has changed since.”