What brought you to CrossFit in the first place?
Wanted to get my health back into shape
What was your first impression? How has that changed?
It was very overwhelming as I wasn’t used to moving as much as we did during classes. Now I wake up and look forward to the exercises and how good I feel after
Who Inspires you?
I’m not really inspired by anyone I just try to live my life as best I can and live with kindness and compassion
What do you love most about CrossFit CTRL? What keeps you coming back each month?
I love how each class is always a little different. The thing that keeps me coming back is that good feeling I get after I leave each class
What is your current occupation? What are some hobbies, clubs, groups, or activities you participate in?
Currently, i’m a Senior Client Support Engineer for an MSP out of Boston MA,
My hobbies include:
Wood building
Video games
and Reading my massive TBR list
What’s your favorite CrossFit CTRL memory?
I do enjoy when we do the Pizza game
but also my favorite memory is when I realized I was able to do push ups as well as hang from the bar without having to let go the next second and realizing that the work I’m doing is paying off
What was your first “bright spot”?
Doing my inbody Scan and watching my body fat numbers going down and that I’m gaining muscle
What would you say to someone you love to encourage them to try CrossFit CTRL?
Hey, I know you’ve been looking for a fun way to stay active, and I think you’d really enjoy CrossFit! It’s such a supportive community, and you’d get to challenge yourself in new ways. Plus, it’s a great way to build strength and confidence