Q: What brought you to CrossFit in the first place?
A: In 2018 at a Dr visit I was told I was a good choice for bariatric surgery. I was told I need blood pressure meds and if I “tried” for a few months and didn’t lose weight I could have surgery. That was never really an option to me. So I started walking. At first a mile or two a day and by the end of it I was walking 4-5 miles a day. I joined the healthplex during the winter months and began swimming there. I lost around 75-80lbs. In Nov of 2019 I started having back issues. It went on until March 2020 when I finally had surgery. After surgery I was determined to strengthen my body to prevent things like this from happening anymore. I took the appropriate time to allow my back to heal. One day I was eating my lunch and an add popped up on my Facebook about doing CrossFit. I clicked it an thought what the hell I can at least see what it’s about. I initially thought it was for a gym in Parkersburg as that’s where I was working that day. I am so thankful for the day I walked thru the doors.
Q: What was your first impression? How has that changed?
A: Very first impression was Devan asking me what I wanted to do. What my goals were. What my life was like. Also the huge “rig” with ropes and rings. He was started to commit to me before I even had came to the conclusion I was going to join.
Nothing has changed. I was right. Devan is fully committed to helping me become the best me that I can.
Q: What was your first “bright spot”?
A: Running a mile without stopping.
Q: What’s your favorite CrossFit CTRL memory?”
A: Probably being asked daily if I have met the majority of the members (which I haven’t) because I only have been to the 6am class!!
Q: What do you love most about CrossFit CTRL? What keeps you coming back each month?
A: Honestly I love pushing myself and seeing what new things I can achieve. The coaches are all fantastic and make me feel like I matter to them. I also love watching others progress into doing things they weren’t able to do prior and seeing their face light up when they do it.
Q: Who Inspires you?
A: My wife. No brainer. She has been thru the ringer and came out smiling. She is a true example of perseverance. My kids also make me want to make better decisions to be around longer for them.
Q: What is your current occupation? What are some hobbies, clubs, groups, or activities you participate in?
A: I sell furniture at the Ashley Homestore in Morgantown. I love to play golf, tinkering around the house, cooking, any fun activities we can do outside as a family.
Q: What would you say to someone you love to encourage them to try CrossFit CTRL?
A: Try it. If you have a good coach that understands what your goals are and is there to help you will absolutely love it!!