Member Spotlight: Kyle McGrath

What brought you to CrossFit in the first place?
I was tired of being nervous to start exercising. I have always had anxiety about working out because I didn’t know what I should be doing and how.

What was your first impression? How has that changed?
My first two classes were really tough. But everyone said don’t give up. I still find each class really tough, but I’m enjoying seeing the small wins in each class.

Who Inspires you?
My family

What do you love most about CrossFit CTRL? What keeps you coming back each month?
The positivity. Everyone wants the whole class to succeed

What is your current occupation? What are some hobbies, clubs, groups, or activities you participate in?
Software consultant. I enjoy golfing, video games, and being with my kids.

What’s your favorite CrossFit CTRL memory?
I’m not sure yet

What was your first “bright spot”?
I was nervous and unsure of how much to increase weight by, and was positive I couldn’t lift much more. Devan help me prove myself wrong and added 40 lbs to my deadlift

What would you say to someone you love to encourage them to try CrossFit CTRL?
Just get started. I always feared trying things because I wasn’t sure I could do them, but I have only had positive experiences since joining.