Mission and vision

When I started CrossFit CTRL 8 months ago one of my assignments was to write out a mission and vision statement.

I had no clue what to write. I knew I was unhappy sitting behind a desk as an engineer and I knew I liked training people. So I thought it would be a good idea to open a gym.

I believe CrossFit is the best way to get people started on their health and fitness journey so I knew it would be CrossFit.

I just wanted to train people. We started with just Pitman showing up after work to workout with me. Then it turned into a group. A few weeks into it I started a scheduled class and on ramp sessions for everyone that signed up.

I still struggled to find that mission and vision statement.

Now, 8 months into it with two additional coaches on staff my mission and vision is very clear.

Vision: A community of happy, healthy people.

Mission: To provide a high quality training experience through fitness and nutrition regardless of age or experience.

I believe we have accomplished this with every member.